Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spring Party!

Join us Sunday March 7th as we celebrate the arrival of our new merchandise. Be the first to shop and grab dibs on all the clothes, shoes and accessories as we spring into the new season. There will be complementary refreshments to drink and hors d'oeuvres to devour so gather up your friends and head down for a lovely afternoon of shopping. Parking is free on Sundays.

Since this is a catered event, we would like a rough estimate on the amount of food/drinks to order. You can rsvp the your number of people attending to or call us at 614.221.6600. If you don't rsvp, that's ok! Anyone and everyone is still invited.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We now have a website!

Yippee hooray! We finally have a website you can shop from at home. Please check it out at!